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How Your Diet Can Prevent Inflammation

You might already know that inflammation contributes to many health conditions, ranging from heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Along with proper medical care, your diet and other lifestyle habits can help you keep it under control. Learn how your diet can prevent inflammation down below.


Inflammation refers to your body’s immune reaction to foreign substances that could be threats. It’s beneficial when it comes to recovering from illnesses and healing wounds. However, inflammation causes trouble when it becomes chronic. Fortunately, you can control some of these effects. Learn more about making healthy dietary choices and preventing inflammation.


1. Choose Whole Foods


Despite what you may read, there are no magic ingredients to reduce inflammation. However, any diet focused on unprocessed foods will reduce inflammation. Fill your plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins.


2. Use Healthy Fats


Fat isn’t always bad! The average adult needs to get about 25 to 35% of their daily calories from fat. Make sure most of that comes from sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, rather than foods that are high in saturated fat, such as butter or bacon. Smart choices include olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.


3. Fry Less


The way you cook matters too! Fried foods produce compounds called AGEs that stimulate inflammation. Switch to steaming, poaching, and baking. Microwaving is safe and convenient too. 


4. Dine Early


Research shows that people who eat more after 5 pm may have higher levels of inflammation. Late eating has also been linked to higher blood sugar and weight gain. Make breakfast and lunch your biggest meals and skip evening snacks.


5. Limit Meat Consumption


Beef and any kind of processed meat are major sources of saturated fat. Be aware of how much meat you are consuming in your diet, and try to cut back if possible. Opt for plant-based options where possible… you may even want to designate a specific day where you forego eating meat, for example “meatless Monday.” Substitute some plant-based options like tofu and beans, along with low fat dairy products.


6. Drink Coffee


If you love coffee, you’ll be happy to know it reduces inflammation. Most experts agree that 4 to 5 cups a day are safe for most adults. However, if you choose to drink coffee, do not add sugar, cream, or artificially flavoured syrups. If you need to sweeten your cup of joe, try adding some honey or agave!


Are you following these guidelines and still find that you are suffering from inflammation? Nutritional needs can vary by individual, and you may have a food sensitivity. For example, if you have celiac disease, you might need to avoid whole grains that contain gluten. Visit your naturopath for recommendations on healthy diet options that will help you to meet your goal of a healthy life. 


Your diet can prevent inflammation, as well as help you look and feel younger. It may also help relieve symptoms associated with many chronic conditions. Dr Cecilia Ho can work with you to adopt a lifestyle that will help you stay healthy, no matter your age. Contact Dr Cecilia at The AIM Clinic for a consultation today. Call 905-492-8688 and get started on your natural health journey!  



Dr. Cecilia Ho


780 Kingston Rd
Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5




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