How Staying Healthy And Stress Free Can Boost Your Fertility

If you are like most people, you may not realize the plethora of adverse effects that stress can have on your body. When stress goes unchecked, there are many health problems that can occur. Worrying about your health might cause more stress, thus beginning a vicious cycle. This is often the case when it comes to women and their fertility. Infertility is more common than you might think. When a woman decides to have a baby, the desire can be very strong and any issue can seem like a major setback, which will cause even more stress. The best thing you can do for yourself is to step back and remain as stress free as possible, so you can boost your fertility. Read more about how stress and health play major roles in fertility below. 


1. Stress and Fertility


When there is too much stress in your life, it can affect fertility in harmful ways for both men and women. Stress affects your hormones and, when your hormones are out of whack, it can disrupt the natural flow of life. Some say that stress affects fertility because of a natural block against conceiving during an inappropriate time. This just means that if you are dealing with too much stress, your body might be telling you that it is not the right time to have a baby. 


If you use regular relaxation techniques to relieve your stress, you can improve your chances of getting pregnant. It is crucial to maintain your relaxation routine though, since your body will return to a stressed state if you only remain stress free for a short while. 


Too much stress can also interfere with a woman’s monthly cycle. Stress can delay ovulation even if ovulation is already approaching. Your body may sense the stress and then stop the process, only to “try again” a few days later. In some instances, you may not ovulate during a cycle at all. Irregular cycles are common, but if you used to be regular and find that you are now irregular, it could be because of stress. Your doctor can help determine if the cause is stress or an underlying physical issue. 


2. Health And Fertility


It is also important to pay attention to your health when you are trying to conceive a child. A healthy lifestyle can boost your fertility and help you produce a healthy baby. Exercise can help both men and women become more fertile. 


You should also pay close attention to your diet. Women should especially consider taking prenatal supplements for up to 3 months before they plan on conceiving a child. This is mainly to make sure that the body has time to store a supply of folic acid. Folic acid is very important for the baby’s brain development, so it is particularly important during those first few weeks of pregnancy. 


Women, especially, should keep up on their vitamin intake, because many do not find out about their pregnancy for several weeks. In this instance, if they were not taking a vitamin, they would miss out on those important nutrients during the first weeks of pregnancy. 


3. Maintain A Positive Attitude


Having a positive attitude is also very important to your fertility. It can keep you energized and is an important component of your mental health and, of course, your relationship with your spouse. It can be tough when you run into problems, but you must have faith that everything will work out the way it is meant to be. 


You can take heart in the fact that there are many medical advances in the field of fertility, and many women these days are able to conceive children with alternative, natural means, such as the Creighton Model Fertility Care System or the Billings Ovulation Method


Keep in touch with your doctor to stay on top of your fertility and learn more about these natural fertility systems by doing some research online. When you reduce your stress, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and undergo proper fertility care, you will achieve the best results. If you and your spouse are planning a pregnancy, join Dr. Cecilia Ho’s prenatal program today! Contact Dr Cecilia Ho at the AIM Clinic at 905-492-8688 to make an appointment today. 



Dr. Cecilia Ho


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Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5



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