Improving your fertility is a journey that impacts both men and women. While there is no miracle cure that can help you conceive immediately, taking the steps necessary to improve the quality of your daily life can have a great impact on your reproductive health.
Alongside managing diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress levels, toxin exposures and more, plants and herbs can help you in providing additional vitamins, minerals and nutrients for supporting fertility and preparing the body for conception. Here is a naturopath’s guide on herbs than can help increase fertility in both women and men:
Red Raspberry Leaf
Red raspberry leaf is one of the most well known herbs in boosting women’s fertility. This herb is rich in many of the vitamins and minerals that are essential when conceiving. Red raspberry leaves include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, and vitamins A, B, C, and E making it a powerhouse herb that supports the uterus, cycle and hormones. This herb also contains a molecule called fragrine which helps to tone the uterine and pelvic muscles, reducing the risk of a miscarriage as fragrine promotes the implantation of the embryo within the uterine wall.
Chaste Tree Berry (Chasteberry)
Chaste tree berry is a fantastic herb for promoting ovulation. Chaste tree berries work to improve progesterone levels and stimulate the luteinizing hormone which directly assists in boosting ovulation. This herb can also help you balance your menstrual cycle and reduce menstrual cramping.
Peonies are not only beautiful to look at, but also work well to improve progesterone levels and encourage regular ovulation in women. Peony is typically used in Chinese medicine to treat infertility and menstrual pain, but can also help balance your hormones and increase the conversion of androgen into estrogen, which is necessary for conception.
Damiana is a plant that is used to increase blood flow to the sexual organs and can also help treat impotence. Damiana is known as an aphrodisiac, which is linked to testosterone levels in the body, and can help assist men when conceiving.
Reishi Mushrooms
Reishi mushrooms are an adaptogen that are well known for their myriad of benefits including enhancing the immune system and assisting in treating Alzheimer’s, but did you know they can also improve your fertility? Reishi mushrooms help to improve sperm health which can help support you when looking to conceive.
Tribulus Terrestris
This herb, when used in addition to other fertility treatments, has been shown to stimulate the production of testosterone by increasing the production of the luteinising hormone. This can have a positive impact on sexual function in the body.
Adding herbs to your regimen is a great and natural way to help support your body when looking to boost your fertility. It is important to note that not all herbs are one size fits all, and the guidance of an experienced naturopath can help you decide what are the best herbs for you and your situation. Dr. Cecilia Ho at The Aim Clinic is Pickering’s expert Naturopathic doctor and can help you get started on your fertility journey. Contact her today by calling (905) 492-8688 or emailing