Many people have heard of acupuncture, but have never received a treatment, nor do they realize acupuncture’s full health benefits. Dating back over 3000 years, acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese health remedy that has been perfected throughout the centuries. Acupuncture involves the insertion of medical needles to certain parts of the body in order to stimulate the surrounding nerve cells. This causes the entire central nervous system (CNS) of the human body to become active and systematically releases endorphins, also known as “feel good hormones,” throughout the body.
Already popular throughout Asia, acupuncture’s reputation is increasingly growing around the world as a top naturopathic treatment. The needle is painless and the experience promotes positive growth of the body without the need for any invasive procedures. Still feeling skeptical? Read on to learn about 6 benefits that Acupuncture can have to your overall health.
Many patients who receive acupuncture treatments are seeking an effective way to relieve their headaches. Since acupuncture treatments involve stimulating muscle areas as well as nerve cells in the muscles, it can help with tight shoulders, stiff neck, and strained muscles, ultimately allowing your body to naturally relax. The endorphins released by the CNS as a response to the acupuncture treatment helps increase blood-flow in the brain, reducing tissue inflammation and alleviating headaches.
One of the most commonly known benefits of acupuncture is stress relief. Acupuncture can relieve stress not only to your mind, but to your whole body on a cellular level. Throughout our days we accumulate significant amounts of stress and tension in our bodies. This accumulation of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, is built up slowly due to job worries, physical activity, injuries, and diseases. Acupuncture in turn helps drop cortisol levels, returning the body to a calm state.
If you are suffering from chronic pain, acupuncture can bring you some relief. As the body becomes more used to the nerve stimulations caused by acupuncture, over time it also gets more accustomed to the reception of pain. The muscles and nerve cells no longer see pain as a great shock and know how to deal with it appropriately. Due to its pain relief properties, acupuncture is great for someone who is experiencing chronic disease or undergoing additional medical treatments.
As the body builds up resistance to pain and becomes stress-free, energy levels will also begin to naturally increase. Acupuncture treatments allow the body to regularly produce the hormones needed to help you sleep, allowing you wake up more energetic and ready to take on the day. If you find that you are having difficulty sleeping, or wake up groggy with low energy levels, why not try acupuncture?
Due to its ability to reduce inflammation and promote the production of hormones, acupuncture can be effective as a fertility treatment. Acupuncture is safe during pregnancies or while undergoing other treatments, and can also help reduce PMS and pregnancy- or labour-induced pain. To learn more about supporting a pregnancy naturally, check out Dr Cecilia Ho’s Prenatal Program.
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of acupuncture therapy resides in its ability to heal the body’s vital organs. The promotion of endorphins and hormones allow the body to naturally take control of healing its organs over time. Organs supported by acupuncture include the kidney, liver, lungs, gallbladder, pancreas and heart. Increased blood flow in the body also means that these organs will get their vital nutrients more effectively, increasing their health and longevity.
Acupuncture sessions are a safe and natural way to boost your body’s immune system and promote its healing powers. With centuries of knowledge behind this ancient technique, it is surprisingly effective at healing and energizing the body. Although one session can be beneficial to most people, it is recommended to experience multiple sessions of acupuncture therapy to receive its full benefits.
If you are looking to find an experienced naturopathic doctor in the Pickering region, contact Dr.Cecilia Ho at the AIM Clinic or call (905) 492-8688.