Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes the importance of energy flow and balance within the human body to promote health. When the body is imbalanced, you may feel fatigued, low energy, or even in pain. When brought back to balance, these conditions can be relieved. There are many ways that TCM can bring balance to your body, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, and cupping.
Fatigue can have many causes. Whether it is due to a medical condition such as diabetes or depression, to a stressful occupation or home life, or other lifestyle choices, fatigue can be difficult to live with. Read on to learn how you can use Traditional Chinese Medicine to bring balance back to your body, reduce fatigue and boost your energy levels.
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture can help to “reset” your body and allow it to rest deeply, treating fatigue at the root. By triggering certain pressure points within the body, acupuncture can regulate and balance your hormones and nervous system activity, leading to rejuvenation and recovery from low energy. There are a number of acupuncture points that can be used to combat fatigue. Unlike temporary energy boosts such as caffeine consumption, acupuncture is a longer-term solution and over time can address the root causes of your fatigue and restore balance to your body.
2. Herbal Remedies
If you are feeling fatigued, don’t reach for the caffeine! There are many more beneficial natural and herbal remedies to combat fatigue. Herbs such as ginseng root or sweet wormwood can assist in fatigue treatment. The stomach represents the center of the body’s qi, and so ingested substances can affect your qi and reduce fatigue. Combine a healthy diet with herbal support to combat fatigue and increase energy.
3. Cupping
Cupping involves placing cups on the skin to create suction, placing positive pressure on the skin. Cupping will help to loosen tight muscles allowing the body to relax. Back, shoulder, and neck pain can be treated with cupping, allowing for deeper relaxation and rest. Cupping treatments will enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture, improving circulation and removing blockages in the body. Combined with acupuncture and herbal remedies, cupping will work towards restoring balance in your body’s energy, create positive activity and allow your energy levels to rise.
While all of these practices will help you combat fatigue, there is one more way to boost your energy… rest! Do your best to take time for yourself to rest and recover from your busy schedule each day, whether that means taking a quick nap, sitting outside and enjoying nature, or practicing mindfulness. Dr. Cecilia Ho can assist you with natural treatments for fatigue in Pickering and surrounding regions. Call 905-492-8688 to book your complimentary 15-minute session today!