Dr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Iv therapyDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Prenatal servicesDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa, Acupuncture

Reasons To See a Naturopath Before & During Pregnancy

No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, a naturopathic doctor can give you the support you need to have as natural and healthy a pregnancy as possible.  A naturopathic prenatal program will prepare your body for pregnancy and includes postpartum care so that you are ready for every step of the way. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should see a naturopath doctor before & during pregnancy:


Preconception Health


Naturopathic doctors encourage couples to take a couple of months to prepare the body for pregnancy. During this time the naturopath will help prepare the body to maximize the success of pregnancy and help nourish the growth of the baby. This includes treatment of underlying health conditions like obesity, optimize nutrition intake, help understand and manage stress, and more. Preconception care is proven to enhance fertility.


Deal With Pregnancy Symptoms


Your first trimester comes with exciting, but difficult times. Some mothers-to-be find that they get extreme pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, exhaustion, and body aches. A naturopathic doctor uses nutrient supplements, acupuncture, and other treatments to reduce these symptoms and offer you immense relief.


Manage Any Issues


Unfortunately, with pregnancy comes the risk of some serious conditions. If you are dealing with any serious conditions during your pregnancy, a naturopathic doctor can help you deal with those things as well as change your birth plan accordingly.


Dr. Cecilia Ho’s naturopathic prenatal program delivers these 3 benefits and more. This program is right for you If you are:

  • A couple who is planning for pregnancy
  • Having difficulty conceiving or have had multiple miscarriages
  • A patient with low sperm count or lack of sperm motility
  • A patient with hormonal problems
  • Diagnosed with “infertility of unknown etiology”

Get started on your prenatal, pregnancy, and post-partum care and planning. Contact Dr. Cecilia Ho today to book an appointment: 905-492-8688



Dr. Cecilia Ho


780 Kingston Rd
Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5




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