Yeast infections are caused by the fungi called candida albicans. This normal and common fungus causes no harm as it is usually regulated by the good bacteria in our body. When good bacteria die out due to medications like antibiotics, candida grows freely and may develop into candidiasis, otherwise known as a yeast infection.
Symptoms of a yeast infection include burning, itching, and soreness in and around the vaginal area. Apart from being caused by lack of combative good bacteria due to antibiotic intake, they can also be caused by high sugar diets and hormone imbalances.
Knowing this, you can heal yeast infections naturally by implementing diet changes to consume less sugar, introducing oral supplements and vitamins, and using local suppositories.
When fighting a yeast infection, avoid foods that feed the fungi such as simple sugars, alcohol, honey, maple syrup, fruit, etc. Sources of yeast and mold (cheese and nuts) should also be avoided as these foods all help the candida fungi to grow. Adding oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, and grapefruit into your diet can help kill and discourage fungi growth. Probiotics are also useful to fight yeast infections, as they are a great way to replenish good bacteria.
In conjunction with this dietary change, vaginal suppositories should be used to treat the yeast infection. Use antifungal options that include boric acid, garlic, tea tree oil, goldenseal, or oregano grape root. Before taking any suppositories or doing anything drastic with your health or natural treatments, consult your doctor to make sure that you are making the best choices for your health.
Consult Dr. Cecilia Ho, Naturopath in Pickering, today to heal your yeast infection or to see if naturopathic medicine is right for you. Call now at 905.492.8688 or email at for more information and get a 15 minutes complementary session about the benefits of naturopathic medicine.