Tooth pain can be intense, but many safe home remedies will make this common ailment easier to bear with until you can get an appointment with your dentist. Experiment with these easily available products and simple lifestyle adjustments to see what works for you. Continue reading to learn about the safe home remedies you can use to conquer tooth pain.
Easily Available Products For Tooth Pain
1. Take Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen or naproxen sodium are usually the top choices for dental pain because of their powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Most people can take these safely for up to 10 days unless a doctor or dentist gives other instructions.
2. Use any pain reliever as directed
Pain relievers are one of the most effective ways to decrease tooth pain. Do not crush pain relievers and rub them on your gums as this can cause damage. Instead, use oral pain relievers as instructed, which is by taking them orally.
3. Gargle with salt water
Even if this feels uncomfortable at first, salt water will soothe irritated gums and promote healing. Mix a little salt in warm water and swish gently. You may find the taste unpleasant but resist the urge to rinse afterwards.
4. Drink water
Dryness is one common trigger for dental nerve pain. Drink plenty of water so you stay well hydrated.
5. Apply chewing gum
If you have an exposed dental nerve, pick up a package of sugar free gum. Wrapping a little of it around the damaged tooth will help shield it from air and other irritants.
6. Rub on natural oils
Clove oil is an ancient remedy for tooth pain. Prolonged use may cause adverse side effects, but many dentists approve of it as a temporary measure. Peppermint oil works in a similar way. Peppermint oil possesses natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can potentially offer temporary relief from tooth pain.
7. Check out your drugstore dental aisle
Some people report positive results using mouthwash, toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth, and temporary filling kits. The same is true for gels that contain Benzocaine or other topical anesthetics.
Simple Lifestyle Adjustments For Toothaches
1. Apply heat or cold
Heat packs or bags of frozen vegetables wrapped in a washcloth can be held over the sore area. You’ll need to find the temperature that works for you. Just avoid extreme heat or cold that could damage your skin or aggravate an exposed nerve.
2. Sleep with your head elevated
Keeping your head up helps prevent additional blood from pooling in your gums, as well as prevents them from increasing sensitivity. Sleep in a lounge chair or use plenty of pillows.
3. Relax
Your body naturally tenses up if you are going through a difficult time. Hot baths, yoga, or massage may be soothing and distracting. Additionally, meditation is a good practice as it will train your mind to endure pain with more patience. If you are a rookie to the practice, try to focus your mind on another body part.
4. Avoid tobacco
All tobacco products irritate the tissues in your mouth. Plus, the sucking action used with a cigarette or even a drinking straw increases blood flow and puts more pressure on the sore area.
5. Limit snacking
Keeping your mouth clean of food particles will go a long way towards helping you stay comfortable. Try to eat fewer times each day, and make to brush and floss thoroughly immediately afterwards. When eating, choose food with less sugar. Sugar is especially harmful to your teeth. Satisfy any cravings with sugar-free gum or tea sweetened with sugar substitutes.
Looking for another natural remedy to your tooth pain? Did you know that acupuncture can help? Acupuncture stimulates nerves in the muscles, leading them to release endorphins which can help relieve tooth pain. If you live in the Pickering region and have more questions about how to soothe tooth pain, contact Dr. Cecilia Ho today! To book an appointment, call 905-492-8688.