Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree OilThe term “arthritis” is used to refer to one or more of a group of over 100 rheumatic diseases. Quite often, arthritis is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Symptoms of these diseases include pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints, and can affect other parts of the body such as bones, …Read More > |
Benefits of Aloe VeraOut of the 400 species of the Aloe family, Aloe Vera (meaning True Aloe) has been used for thousands of years and is still present in varieties of medicines today. It is used predominantly as an herbal remedy for the skin, digestion, the reproductive system and detox. A gel or pulp can be extracted from …Read More > |
4 Natural Home Remedies to Ease the Pain of SunburnAt some time or another, we’ve all experienced the effects of sunburn, be it a light burn or a more heavy burn. Although the sting of regret of inadequate protection (from UV exposure) can be an excellent incentive to plan more carefully on future occasions, it’s of little help in soothing the immediate physical …Read More > |
Benefits of Green TeaThere has been a rush of media coverage about the health benefits of green tea. Most green tea enthusiasts may base their opinions on green tea around their own experiences of the beverage. Green tea originates from China. The Chinese have been drinking it for thousands of years due to its miracle-working abilities. Green tea …Read More > |
A Smoothie to Help You Stop ConstipationChronic constipation can be hard to stop, since the colon has become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild constipation, here is a morning smoothie that will help activate your colon. This smoothie is packed with nutrients …Read More > |