The Basics of AcupunctureAcupuncture is the basic foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. It aims to achieve balance between the opposing yet inseparable forces in our bodies called Yin (the passive and cold force) and Yang (the active and hot force). This is achieved through stimulating the anatomy of the body in order to encourage energy flow and balance …Read More > |
Benefits of Naturopathic Intravenous TherapyWe would all love our diets to give us the exact amount of nutrients necessary for us to survive and thrive. Unfortunately, in the modern world, this is becoming more and more difficult to achieve. Diets based off temporary fads, cultural dietary habits, and agricultural practices are reducing the amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals …Read More > |
How To Spring Clean Your BodyYour house isn’t the only thing you can spring clean—you can spring clean your body too! If you love how it feels to clean out your space and start fresh then you’ll love doing this for your body too! It will help your insides feel great so that your outsides can feel even better! Alternative …Read More > |
5 Facts You Never Knew About AcupressureWhen thinking about the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, what commonly comes to mind is acupuncture. This practice involves inserting needles into pre-determined pressure points in the body and face to relieve tension and pain. Acupressure is a counterpart in this practice that requires these muscles to be targeted by the practitioner’s hands rather than …Read More > |
5 Simple Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol LevelWe often use prescription drugs in the hope that it will magically cure whatever ails us. There will always be short-term and long-term side effects of taking prescription drugs. So instead, make a shift to naturopathic medicine and take charge of your health & lifestyle. Treat your ailments with techniques, diet and massage as these …Read More > |