Dr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Iv therapyDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Prenatal servicesDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa, Acupuncture

Dr. Cecilia's Food For Thought

The place where you can get trusted facts on natural health and lots of savvy tips on healthy living for your whole family. Enjoy!

How To Heal Allergies Naturally

  October 9th, 2019

The change of weather from the warm breeze and sun to a sudden chill in the air promises one thing that many people tend to dread: allergies. Unfortunately, when the weather begins to stir, so do the allergens that bring about unwanted reactions and symptoms in some people. Naturopathic medicine does offer some treatment to …Read More >

How To Loose Weight Naturally

  September 18th, 2019

Weight Loss always seems to be a topic on most people’s minds. People are struggling to find weight loss solutions or weight loss methods that will provide them with almost immediate results with little effort. As an expert in natural medicine, alternative medicine, and weight loss, I can say that that dream is an unachievable …Read More >

3 Ways That Acupuncture Boosts Fertility

  September 4th, 2019

The connection between fertility and acupuncture may be hard to believe, especially for those who only use/ practice Western medicine. It may be difficult to believe that the strategic application of acupuncture needles can boost an internal function such as fertility, but depending on the causes of a woman’s infertility, alternative medicine through acupuncture may …Read More >

5 Reasons Why You Must Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

  August 22nd, 2019

As adults, we don’t get told to eat our fruits and vegetables anymore. In one way, it’s great because it is no longer a form of punishment but on the other hand, it is quite a disadvantage. Without the constant nagging, some of us might be neglecting our fruit and vegetable intake, which can be …Read More >

Heal Your Yeast Infection Naturally

  August 15th, 2019

Yeast infections are caused by the fungi called candida albicans. This normal and common fungus causes no harm as it is usually regulated by the good bacteria in our body. When good bacteria die out due to medications like antibiotics, candida grows freely and may develop into candidiasis, otherwise known as a yeast infection.   …Read More >


Dr. Cecilia Ho


780 Kingston Rd
Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5




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