3 Ways That Acupuncture Boosts FertilityThe connection between fertility and acupuncture may be hard to believe, especially for those who only use/ practice Western medicine. It may be difficult to believe that the strategic application of acupuncture needles can boost an internal function such as fertility, but depending on the causes of a woman’s infertility, alternative medicine through acupuncture may …Read More > |
5 Reasons Why You Must Eat Your Fruits and VegetablesAs adults, we don’t get told to eat our fruits and vegetables anymore. In one way, it’s great because it is no longer a form of punishment but on the other hand, it is quite a disadvantage. Without the constant nagging, some of us might be neglecting our fruit and vegetable intake, which can be …Read More > |
Heal Your Yeast Infection NaturallyYeast infections are caused by the fungi called candida albicans. This normal and common fungus causes no harm as it is usually regulated by the good bacteria in our body. When good bacteria die out due to medications like antibiotics, candida grows freely and may develop into candidiasis, otherwise known as a yeast infection. …Read More > |
How Acupuncture Can Heal Soft Tissue InjuriesWestern medicine has never been able to appropriately treat soft tissue injuries. When it comes to soft tissue injuries, injuries that are painful and harmful to the body but not severe enough to require surgery, the only thing Western medicine can do is to prescribe medicines that mask the injury itself. This can potentially lead …Read More > |
Natural Remedies For AcneEveryone who struggles with acne knows how much of a pain it is. Nobody wants to have red splotches and pockets of pus on their face, especially if their skin is sensitive and/ or easily scarred. People who struggle with acne to whatever degree will often try to find extravagant ways to rid themselves of …Read More > |