Dr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Iv therapyDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Prenatal servicesDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa, Acupuncture

Dr. Cecilia's Food For Thought

The place where you can get trusted facts on natural health and lots of savvy tips on healthy living for your whole family. Enjoy!

How a Naturopathic Doctor Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

  March 4th, 2020

There is a lot of doubt in the medical community when it comes to naturopathy and naturopathic doctors. Some people just don’t believe the benefits until they TRY it and see the amazing results that it produces. Just like Western medicine, naturopathy is based out of science and study, it just uses a gentler and …Read More >

What Different Essential Oils Can Do For You

  February 19th, 2020

Essential oils have been rapidly growing in popularity due to their power and effectiveness in healing/ relieving different ailments and for their beautiful aroma. If you are interested in trying out different essential oils, here’s a list of essential oils and what they can do for you.   Lavender Lavender oil triggers relaxation and calmness. …Read More >

Foods To Avoid If You Have GERD

  February 5th, 2020

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, is a digestive disorder in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. It often comes with heartburn, acid indigestion, stomach discomfort, and nausea. People who suffer from this condition can lower their symptoms significantly by eating foods that have a lower pH balance (lower acid levels). Here …Read More >

6 Natural Pain Killers

  January 20th, 2020

Peppermint Essential Oil Peppermint is one of the most effective pain-relieving substances. Some research suggests that it even has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects! Use peppermint oil as a topical treatment when you have a headache or aches and pains due to arthritis or muscle spasms. Cloves Cloves are traditionally used to help ease toothaches and …Read More >

6 Best Foods To Eat While Pregnant

  January 10th, 2020

During pregnancy, your eating habits are sure to change. As the old saying goes, “you are eating for two now!”. Professionals will likely advise you to add extra calories to your diet as well as add/ avoid certain foods. In this way, it is absolutely essential to maintain the proper levels of nutrients, vitamins, and …Read More >


Dr. Cecilia Ho


780 Kingston Rd
Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5




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