Dr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Iv therapyDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, OshawaDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa Prenatal servicesDr Cecilia Ho Naturopath Doctor Pickering, Ajax, IV Therapy, Whitby, Oshawa, Acupuncture

Dr. Cecilia's Food For Thought

The place where you can get trusted facts on natural health and lots of savvy tips on healthy living for your whole family. Enjoy!

5 Natural Ways to Combat Burnout

  January 26th, 2022

As we enter 2022, working from home continues to be the norm for many. While there are benefits to working from home, it can also lead to a higher chance of workers experiencing burnout. Burnout is a condition that can impact your health and is often due to chronic workplace stress. While burnout has always …Read More >


Common Causes for Acne Breakouts

  December 29th, 2021

Acne can affect anyone, at any time, no matter your age. Despite stereotypes, acne is not an ailment that affects only young adults and teenagers. It can be an uncomfortable skin condition throughout anyone’s life. While in some cases acne can be due to genetics, there can be other causes, many due to lifestyle. Acne …Read More >

Seasonal Affective Disorder

5 Ways To Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  December 16th, 2021

With winter on its way, the winter blues are beginning to reappear again. One common disorder related to winter is Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD is described as a form of depression caused by weather-related or light-related changes. Since the winter season is defined by both colder weather and lower light conditions, SAD affects …Read More >


What To Avoid After An Acupuncture Treatment

  November 25th, 2021

Acupuncture is a great treatment to help relieve pain and help your muscles relax. It carries a myriad of benefits including helping relieve pain associated with menstrual cramps, back and neck pain, headaches, migraines and more. Receiving an acupuncture treatment can be very relaxing and provide you with more energy than before you started your …Read More >

Sore Throat

Natural Remedies To Help Relieve A Sore Throat

  November 11th, 2021

While a sore throat can happen any time of the year, most people typically complain of them during the colder months, which are headed our way! A sore throat can be painful and uncomfortable, as well as be a symptom of other illnesses or conditions, especially if they recur frequently and/or do not go away …Read More >


Dr. Cecilia Ho


780 Kingston Rd
Unit B10
Pickering, ON
L1V 0C5




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