It’s a new year! If you have decided that you would like to live a healthier lifestyle, it is important to make exercise part of your daily routine. However, beginning regular exercise can lead to discomfort in the form of muscle aches! Muscle aches can be caused by a variety of issues and can sometimes even immobilize you. But before you reach for the painkillers, consider trying a natural solution. Continue reading to learn about 5 natural ways that you can relieve sore muscles.
Using both hot and cold compresses on sore muscles can help them to relax and recover more quickly. Alternating between hot and cold, if possible, is most effective in helping you find relief, helping to reduce pain and swelling in the affected area. This can be done using ice packs or cold compresses and heating pads. If you are engaging in regular exercise, keep compresses on hand to ensure muscles can be treated properly. Some compresses can even be used for both hot and cold… keep one in the freezer, and one on hand to heat up! If you find yourself with sore muscles and no way to do a hot or cold compress, try hopping in the shower!
Massaging a sore muscle can help you improve blood circulation, allowing muscles to repair quickly and pain to subside. Massage sore muscles with your hands, rollers, or even a massage tool. You can even use household items, such as a water bottle or tennis ball, to massage muscles or target pressure points. You may find that the massage is more painful than you are already experiencing… but it is worth it in the long run!
Muscle aches are often an indication that the muscle needs time to rest and heal. Although it’s tempting to try to push through the pain, it’s important to give yourself time to recover. When you exercise, small tears in your muscles will occur, causing pain. When they repair themselves, your muscles become stronger and grow. If you do not allow yourself time to rest, and for these tears to recover, you may not end up seeing results as quickly… and may in fact cause yourself further injury. Ensure you are incorporating adequate rest days into your exercise regimen to minimize muscle pain.
Alongside your new exercise regimen, it is important to ensure that you are ingesting an appropriate number of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Muscle aches, pains, and cramps can be caused by deficiencies in magnesium, calcium, and potassium. While these nutrients are essential for a healthy body, it is also easy to become deficient in them. Be sure to include nutrient-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, squash, oranges, and other sources to your diet. A diet full of a variety of foods will help you to ensure you are ingesting the nutrients that you need to keep your muscles healthy. If you are not sure if you will be able to ingest enough of these nutrients, you can also increase them using supplements, such as a daily multivitamin.
Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy that can help fight muscle pain and aches. Mix a small amount of apple cider vinegar—one tablespoon will do—with water and drink it with your next meal. If you don’t like the taste of apple cider vinegar, try adding some honey as a sweetener. Or you can even rub the vinegar directly on sore muscles!
Natural remedies can help you fight muscle aches and make you feel better as you continue your daily exercises. However, if you are experiencing severe or ongoing symptoms, it is important to consult your healthcare professional. Dr Cecilia Ho can work with you to determine lifestyle changes that can help you achieve your health goals, including weight loss and smoking cessation. Contact Dr Cecilia at The AIM Clinic for a consultation today. Call 905-492-8688 and get started on your natural health journey!