Though it may not seem like the case, acupuncture can be extremely effective in helping smokers quit smoking by decreasing their craving for tobacco and highly addictive nicotine. If you are looking to quit smoking, or if you‘ve tried to quit before only to have failed, here is how acupuncture can help you:
The practice of acupuncture is to target certain areas of the body that directly relate to the certain condition that the practitioner is trying to heal. In terms of helping smokers quit, the area of the body that acupuncture practitioners target is the pressure point in the ears. This area helps to suppress cravings and combat addiction.
In between treatments, it is often recommended that smokers looking to quit smoking use ear seeds, which help to keep the pressure on the target point. Self-treatment can also look like using your fingers to apply pressure to the points on the ear that are usually targeted to lessen the urge to smoke.
Though this is a great way to help with cravings for nicotine and tobacco, it should not be confused as a “cure” for smoking. The true “cure” for smoking is a smoker’s resolve to quit and do everything they can to improve their health. Acupuncture is simply a support in these pursuits and, thankfully, an extremely effective one.
Dr. Cecilia Ho, naturopath in Pickering, can help you quit smoking. Take charge of your health and quit smoking today with her Smoking Cessation program. Her blend of acupuncture and nutritional support to help minimize effects of nicotine damage will help you quit smoking sooner! Call today to book an appointment: 905-492-8688.