Anxiety is something that a growing number of people experience either occasionally or daily. However you may experience anxiety, it is a perfectly normal reaction to high-stress situations.
An effective treatment for anxiety is acupuncture as acupuncture has a strong effect of calming and stilling an overactive mind. The treatment allows people to focus on the present moment and their physical body to help slow their heart rate and reduce other physical manifestations of anxiety.
After an acupuncture treatment, people often feel more grounded in their bodies, self aware of their bodies and self aware of their surroundings and/or boundaries. These side effects, however, may not last but can be continuously built upon with additional/regular treatment.
Some lifestyle tips that will help reduce anxiety in combination with acupuncture treatment include:
If acupuncture treatment for anxiety seems like a good option for you, visit naturopathic acupuncture practitioner, Dr. Cecilia Ho. Call us today at 905.492.8688 for more details about how acupuncture can help your anxiety or to set up an appointment today.